Tuesday, November 13

Mainstream Or Not To Mainstream

Mainstream...what does that mean to you? To me it has meant frustration and disappointment. I can't imagine that Rebecca could possibly be happy struggling in school. We are spending about an hour everyday on homework after school just trying to get her to understand what the project is or what the questions are asking. Once she understands she gets it. She is very bright, but understanding the comprehension of the questions or problem is the problem.

Last week they did testing with her. She has been mainstreamed for aobut a month now, 2 weeks in her old school & 2 weeks in this school. I don't know if she is just not ready to be mainstreamed or if she just needs modification to her homework. We just got the results from the tests today and everyone is reviewing the results. I'm torn on what to do. They say that she is only about 6 months behind her grade level, but I just don't know if that is completely accurate. Her sister is in the same grade and there is a huge gap between what Rebecca can comprehend and what her sister comprehends.

She has an interpreter to help her and another student in her class. I'm happy with the school so far. We are going tomorrow to do her FM testing for her FM system and that may help her too.

This is such an important time in school and I don't want to hold her back if she is ready to be mainstreamed, but it just may not be the right fit for her either. I just want her to be the best that she can be and if that means that she will never be mainstreamed, then I am fine with that.


Anonymous said...

Parson me if this is something you already know or that my comment is not welcome. Are you familiar with Seattle's Deaf/blind community. I have a great friend who is deaf and has ushers working at the Lighthouse.

They at the Lighthouse would be a wonderful resource for you.

Jan K

Karen Putz said...

I often think of a quote that my friend Sara told me once: "Mainstreaming is a success, it's a placement."

Every child is different. Explore the options and then decide what's best for your child.

Deaf Pixie said...

Lighthouse is great for blind and deaf working there.

Some of them are full blind and deaf with ASL person to deal with their job.

I hope your supportive from us that It is great program for your daughter's need.

I lives in Seattle for more than 20 years and some of them come from Louisiana and other few state. Louisania are most DB, (Deaf and Blind) person told me they have alot of DB due to too many relatives distance. someone told me that they have about 800 deaf and Blind people lives there and doesnt have a good service as bus transportion. it is very frustrated for the DB. Lack of deaf and blind Service.
I am not sure how many DB lives there in Louisana.
Seattle do have alot of service for DB for event and keep them business. Because The Seattle have a beautiful service for handicapped vanpool or bus service.
Here is website: http://www.seattlelighthouse.org/fact_sheets/dbcc.html

About Mainstream might not fitting their need. Deaf school is better because they have a training properly. Jan K is correct about these service.

I hope it is helpful?

Unknown said...

I have a severe to profound hearing loss and I was mainsteam to public school.

I had a tough time but I'm glad my parent put me thru public school.

It is a hearing world and and we need to adapt to it to be successful in our world.

I went to college and I am successful in my carreer.

I'm married and we have three children. 13 year old and 9 year old twins.

Unknown said...

Hola again! :)

Here is my 2 cents.

Think about this: Rebecca grows up in mainstreamed school, with maybe 4-5 Deaf classmates. They know sign language, and if Rebecca loses more of her central vision, she will start to rely on tactile with these classmates.
However, when she goes out to recess, and there are 200 hearing kids without a clue how to sign. How will Rebecca build her confidence to socialize if she is only given the opportunity to interact only with kids in her class?

If Rebecca was placed in a Deaf school, she would be in a signing environment 24/7 (inclusing weekends when she is invited over for sleepovers, parties by her Deaf friends). When these kids in the Deaf school are exposed to Usher Syndrome and how to be inclusive of her, she will be able to tactile with 150-200 Deaf kids. And then her self confidence will be boosted big-time.

Don't listen to that guy who says that because he went to public school, he has a successful career. I have a successful career, being DB like your daughter, I went to college, became an English as a Second Language teacher for the federal government's Immigration Dept, and now embarking on a journey to Africa soon. Success only depends on what the child truly wants to do in the future, and it depends on their confidence.

I understand this is a difficult decision for you, and I trust that you will check out every possible solution so that Rebecca feels comfortable with her life, and with her education.
Best of luck.

Coco :)